Commons Report 2022

What is the purpose of the COMMONS COMMITTEE?  When our homeowner’s association was first formed, the commons was basically an area with the two ponds and some old willow and cottonwood trees.  There was a need to come up with a plan to care for the commons and make any improvements.  Through the work of the Commons committee, drainage was installed in the south commons, 4 tree grants from the NRD were obtained and pond maintenance was upgraded with the addition of aerators, fountains, and most recently, riprap to stabilize the banks.   Contracts have been solicited for turf care, tree trimming, algae control, etc.  Periodic cleaning of the commons, tree trimming projects or day to day maintenance issues have been taken care of by the Common Committee.  The Commons Committee is involved in developing information and making recommendations to the Board with final approval resting in the hands of the Board.


THANK YOU - The Association is fortunate to have the dedicated services of Kent Lovelace, Charles Williams, Detlef Gartzke, Jim Stepanich, David Buchholz, Deb Buchholz and Joe Shandera as members of the Commons Committee.  Another big THANK YOU to Vickie Stepanich for coordinating and advertising the annual garage sales


None of us are getting any younger so our committee could certainly use more volunteers.  Please let us know that you are interested, and we will make sure to include you.


Tree trimming and tree removal as well as Ash tree treatment were the focus this past year. 

work with!)


NEW:  We have some trees in the commons that need their canopy raised.  Bids will be solicited for this work.


Late last fall, the fountain quit working in the North Pond.  Since it was under warranty, the fountain motor was returned to the factory in Michigan.  They found that the propeller was not functioning.  Repairs were completed and the motor returned.   Shipping was the only cost.  Recently, the fountain in the south pond was not operating at full capacity.  Eric’s Electric checked and resolved the issue.


One6 Lawn Service (mowing, fertilization & weed control) and Nebraska Lake Management (pond maintenance) are providing services again.  This spring, both companies started the 1st year of new 3-year contracts at the same price as their previous contract with Edenton North.


We discussed the possibility of adding more riprap to selected areas of the North Pond.  HR Bookstrom provided an estimate of hauling more riprap to the street but would not move it to the bank.  The Board voted to put this project on hold and see how the current bank stabilization held up.


Much appreciation goes to all homeowners who help in any way to keep the commons free of debris, trash, tree limbs, plant trees, trim trees, etc.  THANK YOU FOR KEEPING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD BEAUTIFUL!