Commons Report 2019
We want to recognize and THANK all of the homeowners that have contributed their time and effort to keeping the drainage way and commons free of debris, trash, etc. YOUR EFFORTS ARE APPRECIATED!! Please recognize the efforts of our commons committee members: Detlef Gartzke, Rich Butalla, Kent Lovelace, Charles Williams, Jim Stepanich, Scott Tinkham, Lon Pomajzl, Dave Holland and Joe Shandera. A special thank you to Rich Butalla for all the help since the association was formed. You will be missed! We are always looking for additional volunteers!
Garage sales were held on the weekend of May 16 – 18. THANK YOU and JOB WELL DONE goes to Vicki Stepanich who coordinated these sales in the neighborhood. Corresponding dates for 2020 are May 14, 15 & 16.
Christiansen Tree Service completed trimming and/or removal of trees in the south commons, along our property line behind Shirl Ct. and along the flow liner between Lucile Ct. and Laura Lynn Ct.
The Commons Committee was approached by a contractor in the business of treating Emerald Ash Borers. He pointed out that our Commons has 3 ash trees and that there are many more on private properties in our association area. For comparison, two bids were received - $155 and $321. Treatment is good for 2 years. Our committee discussed the pro’s and con’s of treatment and decided to bring it up for discussion at the Annual Meeting.
One6 Lawn Service is in the first year of a 3-year contract for mowing, fertilizing and weed control of the commons. To date, they have been very responsive even though the rains have impacted their mowing schedule.
Nebraska Lake Management is in the first year of a 3-year contract. Their pricing schedule has remained stable since 2014. They also installed a maintenance kit in the aerator in the North Pond, which had stopped working in the fall.
The area that can’t be mowed in the South Commons has increased over the years due to standing water (wetland area). Vance Stoll Grading installed three drains in 2009. Last fall, in an effort to improve the drainage, Detlef, Kent, Charles and I worked to find the drains with the assistance of Vance Stoll and Taylor Sewer and Drain. Two of the drains were overgrown by the wetland grasses and debris. Once these were found, Taylor Sewer washed out the entire drain field. The drains are marked and have been kept open this spring.
Nextdoor website ( looks like a good website to keep in touch with neighbors. Check into it! The Edenton North website is:
The Edenton North commons is generally considered a flood control area. Since the beginning of the Edenton North Homeowners association, the commons committee has worked to enhance its’ value to Edenton North homeowners. Users of the commons area should always respect the property and privacy of neighbors.
We salute the many homeowners who have already spent much time and effort making the commons behind them a beautiful area. We encourage all property owners to assist with keeping the commons area free of trash and debris. Any work that individuals do toward making the commons a nicer area will be appreciated by the entire association.
The following are some general guidelines for the Edenton North Commons:
No sheds or storage of any type should be placed on the commons.
No compost, leaves, grass clippings, bush or branch trimmings should be placed or left on the commons. Also, pet owners should follow city regulations and pick up after their pets.
Property owners willing to plant trees should contact a commons committee member before planting. City and NRD guidelines need to be followed as well as the general plot map developed by the commons committee. Based on these criteria, approval of the plantings needs to be given by the commons committee prior to planting. Property owners are encouraged to assist with the watering of new trees planted behind their property.
No gardens should be planted on the commons.
The ponds are part of the Edenton North commons and are posted as private property. Restrictions on use of the commons applies to the ponds as well. Fishing is permitted on a “catch and release” basis ONLY.
The commons committee will plan a general clean-up of all areas when needed. All property owners are encouraged to be active participants in these projects.
(Revised, June, 2017)